Friday, June 22, 2012

Fully functional person is not capable to feel neither pain of failure nor joy of success. Fully functional person is only capable to fully enjoy the excitement of surfing on the waves of the streams of Life.

My Self-Concept vs Kabbalah

Kabbalah can be considered as an early form of a Jewish Psychology. It divides the Self in four parts: Consciousness, Intellect, Primary Emotions and Secondary Emotions. In addition, Kabbalah recognizes ability of the Self to Create and Materialize. That process of creation is divided in four phases (or Worlds): Emanation, Creativity, Formation and Action or Event. Both principles are further subdivided in ten (actually twelve) attributes or Sephirots. 

Here is comparison to my Self-Concept:

My Self-Concept
Ein Soph
Identity Awareness
Insight / Intuition
Identification / Comparison
Primary Emotions
Noble Emotions
Physical Strength
Harmonious Feelings
Eternal Victory
Secondary Emotions

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mythical creatures and Identity

In the mystical and spiritual past of humanity, it was common to believe in the existence of the Life outside of the physical Life forms.

Today, a majority of people consider that as an ignorance or an insanity, since what Life is, is redefined by the Science.

Science today looks at the Life only from Identity vs. External-Reality Space-time comparison point of view. In that way no physicist until this day has found a proof for the existence of Personality, Identity or Awareness. There is no physical machine or scientific method to measure them, what makes the total science of psychology unscientific discipline.

The ancient scientists, looked on the Life from the Identity vs. External-Reality Identities comparison point of view, what defined the Life as everything that possess the Spirit, or as we call it today, the Real-Identity.

With the representation of the Self in this blog this phenomenon is psychologically explainable.

In the past, there were basically following forms of invisible Entities considered as a life forms: Elementals, Daemons, Ghosts, Vampires, Gods, and Supreme God.

The Elemental is thought to be, in current terms speaking, collection of the Waves of the Context of one of the base elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air or Space (Aether, Akasha or Nitrogen). This collection of the waves used to be created by the Ideal-Identity of one person and radiated as a Context into the Cloud of Contexts of External-Reality Identities creating in that way Elemental-Identity.

Daemons are Elemental-Identities with own Awareness. Once created, its Awareness can influence the Real-Identity positively or negatively, called Eu-daemons (good Daemons or Spiritual Guides or Angels) and Kako-daemons (bad Daemons or fallen Angels) respectively. To one that perceive them they also can reveal their Names and Symbols by the Imagination.

Ghost is Real-Identity that has lost its physical Body, but is still Aware of the Body and the Personality.

Vampire is Real-Identity that has lost its physical body, but is Aware of its Mask (Personality) especially negative Emotions and Feelings of Pain, feeding itself with the negative Emotions and negative Feelings of other Personalities.

God or sometimes called Mastermind, is Social Self-Aware Real-Identity with its own Personality, created by group of two or more Ideal-Identities (people). This Identity possess a power to interfere with the other Identities and with the Space-time by that creating a new Events and Identities.

Supreme God is the Pan-Identity Awareness, sum of all External-Reality Identities and all Awarenesses, nameless and genderless or simply "it is who it is".

All those Entities, were created by the Personal Identities with aim to act as Helpers with the Absorption.

An Identity (a person) could invoke the Entity by its Name using his Imagination into the External Object like Symbol, Image or Sculpture or a part of his Body like a Heart, and send the Desired Context by Prayer, Chanting, Symbols and Sacrifice for example, and Entity should finish the Absorption automatically.

In the moment when the most of the Personal Identities will forget the Entity, or erase it from Self Real-Identity Cloud of the Contexts, that Entity loose its power or stops to exist. That is how the ancient Gods has disappeared by appearance of the new religions and the new religions lost their power and are near extinction by appearance of the newest religion, the Science.

Despite one don't believe in the existence of Identities out of the physical Life forms, they'll not exist in his or her reality, but if two or more people radiate the Context of its existence from their Identities, it will exist in the External-Reality Identities Cloud.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Insanity happens when copy of the context from the Ideal-Identity is intalled into the Real-Identity without comparisons to the External-Reality.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

As long as your Thought is contemplated by your Intellect and burnt by your Emotions it is useless and harmless to External-Reality.

But when the Context of your Thought penetrates your Real-Identity, it becomes veru useful or very harmful.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Types of Contexts in the Real Identity Contexts Cloud

The Real Identity is cloud-like collection of copies of the abstract contexts.

However, the Real Identity has its Base-Context to which all the other Context-Copies blend. That Base-Context Cloud is carried by accumulated Electro-magnetic Force or Energy or Waves or Light, which brings it within itself from the previous forms of existence in the Space-time together with Awareness.

The first Context that influences the Base-Context and copy itself into it is the Radiation from the Space-time’s Cloud of Events. This cloud influences the future events of the Awareness in the current existence.

Next, the Radiation from the Cloud of Identities will form its copy into the Base-Context.

More advanced beings that are able to build the Ideal-Identity to filter what to copy into the Real-Identity and what to repeal, also radiate its context into the Base-Context Cloud of the Real-Identity and create its copy.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Closer look at the content of the Self

Since Feelings, Emotions and Thoughts are not present at the Creative level of the Self, content of it is filled with the abstract Contexts. Contexts are simply cloud-like Waves or Energy or Light that are always in random motion, moved by forces of Attraction and Radiation. What can control and lead the motion of the Context Clouds in wanted direction is the Focused Awareness.

Contexts Cloud of Ideals is collection of Desires transformed from Thoughts into the Context of the Thoughts.

Contexts Cloud of External Identities is collection of all Identities. There are identities of people or pets surrounding us, identities of our communities, country, planet, etc.

In this region are also situated metaphysical identities for those people that are able to perceive context signals and translate it with their inner eye of Imagination and Courage to the Thoughts. Those people are able to sense, communicate and transform mythical identities like elementals, ghosts, daemons, angels, deities, and supreme Creator.

Contexts Cloud of External Events is collection of all the Events, Objects with their energy-masses, and four Forces, in the particular Space-time. This area was known in the mystical past by the name Akasha.

Contexts Cloud of the Copies is the Real-Identity, which is formed from copies of the Absorbed Contexts it Attracts and Copy by comparison from the External Identities, External Events and Ideal Context Clouds.

At some point Identities can “shine” or radiate its context more intensively, and by that affecting the other three areas.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Balancing with the Absorption

Changes created in the Real-Identity by process of Absorption affect the Space-Time of the person and determine how future events will take place.


When in Absorbed state, Awareness is unable to understand the words of the Thoughts; also, it is unable to have an Emotion (product of Intellect and Feelings), but rather it perceive the naked Context of its content. Context is what Awareness receives and transfers during communication with the External-reality Identities and Space-time. Since Thoughts are no longer a key tool in this level, Imagination and Courage (Mood) are doing all the Categorization, Placement and Molding of the Context of the perception of Awareness. This Molding of the Context is the Balancing.

Types of Context

Present Event-Context or Event-Context received as a signal from the External-reality Space-time is mold by the Courage and Imagination by erasing (forgetting) the Context that create a disturbance in the Courage regarding a future Event, and transferring the context into the External Space-time that create a good Mood regarding a future Event.

Similar to that works a Personal-Context where signals, influences and communication appear between Personal and External-reality Identities Contexts. That is how we affect each other, not by thinking good or bad for another, but rather by absorbing that good or bad thought into the Personal-Context.


People are more or less conscious about this ability of the Self. Some people are balancing by micro absorptions on the go, while other love to do it in the more ritualistic way.

For small and fast tweaks over the Event-Context and Personal-Context, it takes milliseconds of absorption to produce a change. For something that has to produce a major event change, some people practice absorption for an hour or two every day for at least forty days. For changes that have to affect matter (as health condition), an hour or two of everyday absorption is practiced for three to six months.