
Space-time is a physical place filled with Waves, Light, Electro-magnetic Force or Energy.

Energy itself has ability to Attract and to Repel by those creating Events in the Space-time. 

By the Law of Physics, Energy cannot be Created nor Destroyed, but it can only be Transformed from one Form to another.

Energy has eleven Forms:
  • Thermal energy
  •  Chemical energy
  •  Electric energy
  • Radiant energy
  • Nuclear energy
  •  Magnetic energy
  •  Elastic energy
  • Sound energy
  • Mechanical energy
  • Luminous energy
  • Dark energy

Two Forces mold Energy into the Matter:
  • Attraction
  • Radiation

The Force of Attraction has its weak and strong part: Gravity and Strong Nuclear Force.

Gravity attracts the Mass of Energy in that way creating the Particles.

Strong Nuclear Force than attracts the particles and accumulates them in a larger Collection of Energy like protons or neutrons for example. 

Weak Nuclear Force or Radiation happens when Collection of the Energy in Strong Nuclear Force comes to its peak.

Products of the four Forces are atoms, molecules and the World of Matter.

Every Collection of Energy can speed and slow the Time, and disturb another Collection of Energy by its Mass and Waves.

At some point, Collections of Energy can create Awareness.