Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Balancing with the Absorption

Changes created in the Real-Identity by process of Absorption affect the Space-Time of the person and determine how future events will take place.


When in Absorbed state, Awareness is unable to understand the words of the Thoughts; also, it is unable to have an Emotion (product of Intellect and Feelings), but rather it perceive the naked Context of its content. Context is what Awareness receives and transfers during communication with the External-reality Identities and Space-time. Since Thoughts are no longer a key tool in this level, Imagination and Courage (Mood) are doing all the Categorization, Placement and Molding of the Context of the perception of Awareness. This Molding of the Context is the Balancing.

Types of Context

Present Event-Context or Event-Context received as a signal from the External-reality Space-time is mold by the Courage and Imagination by erasing (forgetting) the Context that create a disturbance in the Courage regarding a future Event, and transferring the context into the External Space-time that create a good Mood regarding a future Event.

Similar to that works a Personal-Context where signals, influences and communication appear between Personal and External-reality Identities Contexts. That is how we affect each other, not by thinking good or bad for another, but rather by absorbing that good or bad thought into the Personal-Context.


People are more or less conscious about this ability of the Self. Some people are balancing by micro absorptions on the go, while other love to do it in the more ritualistic way.

For small and fast tweaks over the Event-Context and Personal-Context, it takes milliseconds of absorption to produce a change. For something that has to produce a major event change, some people practice absorption for an hour or two every day for at least forty days. For changes that have to affect matter (as health condition), an hour or two of everyday absorption is practiced for three to six months.

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