Friday, June 8, 2012

Types of Contexts in the Real Identity Contexts Cloud

The Real Identity is cloud-like collection of copies of the abstract contexts.

However, the Real Identity has its Base-Context to which all the other Context-Copies blend. That Base-Context Cloud is carried by accumulated Electro-magnetic Force or Energy or Waves or Light, which brings it within itself from the previous forms of existence in the Space-time together with Awareness.

The first Context that influences the Base-Context and copy itself into it is the Radiation from the Space-time’s Cloud of Events. This cloud influences the future events of the Awareness in the current existence.

Next, the Radiation from the Cloud of Identities will form its copy into the Base-Context.

More advanced beings that are able to build the Ideal-Identity to filter what to copy into the Real-Identity and what to repeal, also radiate its context into the Base-Context Cloud of the Real-Identity and create its copy.

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